Our 5 essential oil blends gift box, perfect for anyone looking to enhance their aromatherapy experience. This set includes our unique blends: Bahinero, Sanaëva, Lavenity, Manahé and Kanaléa, each offering its own distinct benefits. The oils can be used for diffusion, added to a relaxing bath or to your massage oil. Whether you're seeking relaxation, mental clarity, or emotional balance, this gift box has you covered. Elevate your self-care routine and bring the power of nature into your home with our 5 essential oil blends gift box.
- 100% natural
- Handmade with therapeutic essential oils (and love)
- Vegan and cruelty free
- 5 x 10ml glass bottle (Kanaléa, Lavenity, Bahinero, Manahé, Sanaëva)
5 essential oil blends gift box